COLAB Supports Virginia Businesses and Nonprofits During COVID-19

Ralph Otto author photo
Ralph Otto Director of Product

COVID-19’s Effects on Virginia Businesses

The unprecedented COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has affected businesses and nonprofits in Virginia in unpredictable ways. As Governor Northam put social distancing restrictions into place and eventually imposed a stay-at-home order, organizations’ leaders have to make calls on what to do next. Many businesses and nonprofits have scaled back their operations, been closed temporarily, or are working fully remotely.

With a large remote population, internet traffic has increased between 10% and 40% depending on the region. This statistic really helped us understand the significance of our work during this time. People are relying on their websites as a primary means of communication as well as a tool to continue to do business.

COVID-19 Virginia New Cases
Graph by Google. Data source: Wikipedia, April 13, 2020.

We Live and Work in Virginia

As a web design and development agency, COLAB was not considered critical to staying open. However, we wanted to see how we could help the situation. We could really make a difference for our regional Virginia community as well as our partners in business. Our team works and lives in Richmond and we love our city. We began brainstorming tactics to support community businesses and nonprofits using our design and development abilities.

We decided to continue our scheduled work fully remote to ensure there was no interruption to project timelines for our inflight projects. Additionally, we began taking action on partner websites and web applications. We partner with many local nonprofits on an ongoing basis, so supporting our most vulnerable populations was a no-brainer. To further this thinking, we are still offering a free COVID alert to Richmond-based nonprofits. Both nonprofit and business customers have been reaching out to implement more customized and feature-rich alert bars and notifications.

Top 10 Virginia CountiesConfirmed COVID-19 Cases
Fairfax County1,008
Prince William County389
Henrico County379
Arlington County366
Loudoun County309
Chesterfield County209
James City County126
Stafford County72
Frederick County65
Mecklenburg County55
Data source: Wikipedia, April 13, 2020

Continued Focus on Community

We are brainstorming web-based solutions and will be releasing materials in our blog over the next few weeks. As our community endures, we will continue to support our marketing and IT community partners. We will ensure that our clients and partners will be able to keep their customers and constituents in the loop on any interruptions or changes to their daily work. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we will remain vigilant.

Let Us Help You

We are open for business and doing whatever we can to support any regional businesses or nonprofits in need during this time. To get started, please send us an email at [email protected], call us at (804) 433-3582, or send us a note via our contact page.